Tips Dapat Beasiswa Harvard MIT Standford Amerika

beasiswa harvard university

Untuk bisa sekolah di Harvard atau MIT atau Stanford, kebetulan saya pernah sekolah disana sbb:

Universitas 2 tersebut sebenarnya mencari orang terbaik didunia untuk menjadi mahasiswanya.
Seperti halnya MIT, tidak mempermasalahkan kekayaan atau ketersediaan dana kita untuk sekolah disana.
Kalau kita diterima di MIT, maka MIT akan mencari jalan dan akan membantu kita agar kita dapat membiayai sekolah tersebut. Jadi jangan pernah takut untuk mendaftar ke sekolah terbaik karena masalah keuangan.
(seperti yang pernah saya tuliskan dan sampaikan di milist ini)

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Hello folks, how have you been doing? I hope this post finds you well. Mmmmm it is been a while I am not hitting my page and here you go I am here to write a piece for you all guys. I hope you will enjoy it and do not forget to leave comments in this post for opportunity of growth for me.  Bay the way, I am not an autobiography writer, but I hope that the one I posted here will give you a clue of what an autobiography looks like if you never write one. This is not an professional piece, but merely a personal sharing. I always believe that “sharing is living“, if you share you will find the true meaning of life

(*This post was the assignment in my International Relation class for extra credit thing. I am not a lazy student though, I only did not do well on the midterm that was why I was given this assignment. LOL)



My parents named me Haeril Halim. My friends call me Haeril. Besides “Haeril” I have quite a few nicknames, many of which I do not understand how they come about. They are “Ril,” “Eying,” “Ying,” Yink,” “Kure,” “Aril,” “Riel,” “Eyyink,” “Halim,” “Lim,” “Iyying,” “Heyril,” and “Pak RT.” I am not bothered at all having those names, because each of them reflects particular friendships I have with people. For people in general, I prefer to be called “Haeril.”

I was born on May 20th, 1987 and grew up in Polewali, west Sulawesi, Indonesia. In 2005, I moved to Makassar, south Sulawesi, Indonesia because I had to go to University. I studied linguistics and graduated from Hasanuddin University on July 2010.

I have a big family, four brothers and four sisters. Most of them have already married. Now, I have 15 nieces and nephews. My parents live in Polewali and so do some of my sisters and brothers. My oldest sister is 38 years old and my youngest sister is 22 years old. I am the eighth child in my family.


I am a big fan of Inter Milan, a football team from Italy. I can play soccer, but not very well. I can play badminton very well. I like to spend my leisure time reading books. My favorite books are linguistics, politics, communication, philosophy, sociology and international affairs. Continue reading